They are designed to mechanically prepare root canal with severe curvature, or "S" Type canals. The files operate at a speed of 600-800 rotations per minute, and are used after determining the working length. ScoutRace is a sequence of three Race instruments with a taper of .02 and ISO diameters 10, 15 and 20. The Scout Range enables the glide path shaping faster and safer than with manual instruments. The anatomy of the median and apical thirds are well respected, to experience no transportation and nor ledges. The files adapt perfectly to the canal's shape , thanks to their 2% taper and remarkable flexibility. The Scout Race can be used without pressure up to working length. At first passage instruments, they are used after the working length (WL) has been determined using hand K-Files or an apex locator. Canal preparation will be completed using the instruments presented in the "Canal shaping and cleaning" chapter. 3 instruments: ISO 10/.02,15/.02 and 20/.02. Lengths: 21, 25, 31 mm.
Speed: 800 rpm (min. speed: 600 rpm). Torque: 1 Ncm. Alternating cutting edges to eliminate screwing -in effect. Sharp edges for best cutting efficiency. Electro-chemical polishing for better resistance to torsion and fatigue. SafetyMemoDisc (SMD) to master metal fatigue.
Pack of 6 Files 2 x 25mm 2% #10 Files 2 x 25mm 2% #15 Files 2 x 25mm 2% #20 Files