OptiBond™ S is a single-component adhesive designed for both direct and indirect bonding applications.
It is 15% filled with the same 0.4 micron filler found in the Kerr Point 4 composite.
The filler not only reinforces the hybrid zone but also penetrates the dentin tubules, creating a true "structured bond" not found in unfilled or even "nano" filled adhesive systems.
This unique technology provides the highest level of protection against microleakage, while sustaining high bond strengths to a variety of surfaces.
Clinically proven.
Universally accepted, industry-standard products.
Proven performance worldwide.
Strong, durable bond.
5%-filled material penetrates and reinforces dentin tubules to provide a long-lasting bond.
Filled technology.
Fluoride release.
Ethanol instead of acetone.
Unidose delivery.
Added indications.
Strong bond.
Less polymerization shrinkage.
Less microleakage.
Better protection against "white line".
Replaces liners.
Caries protection.
Use in moist or dry environment.
No need for multiple coats.
Less sensitivity.
Best infection control.
Fresh material every time.
No worries of evaporation.
Less waste.
Better inventory control.
Ultimate in convenience - only one liquid for everything.
Time saved is money saved Best combination of performance and versatility.